Где найти колетта маренс в скайриме

Опубликовано: 24.07.2024

И так. Как только вы апните любую школу магии до 100, Вы можете пройти квесты на получение более сильных спеллов. Ниже расскажу о каждом из них вкратце.

Находим в Коллегии к магу Финис Гестор. И там будет вариант диалога на подобие "и это все?". Он вам скажет что "Вау да ты крут пацан, но можно стать еще круче!" выдает Вам заклинание призыва свободного даэдра, просит принести осколок из Обливиона и посылает Вас на крышу. Там мы кастуем новое заклинание. Появляется даэдра >>> Ведем диалог >>> Даэдра ломается и мы бьем ему морду. Так повторяем до тех пор пока он не согласится быть нашим рабом :D Даэдра говорит что принесет нам осколок при следующем призыве. Призываем, забираем, радуемся. Квест окончен соответственно. Книги покупать у Финиса.

Тут будет по сложнее. Квест берется у Фаральды. Она нам выдаст книгу. И попросит ее изучить. В книге милый стишок. Из которого понято лишь что нам нужно идти далеко и на долго. Но куда? А вот сюда: Руины Оберег Ветров >>> Северная Горная Застава >>> Наблюдательный Пост Четыре Черепа. В 1 нам надо положить книгу на алтарь и ударить магией огня. Забираем. Во 2 нам надо сделать тоже самое но используем мороз. И в 3 - молнию. Читаем книгу и вуаля. Книги покупать у Фаральды.

Квест у Древиса Нелорена. Он нам даст заклинание десятого глаза (omfg). После чего нам нужно найти 4 книги при помощи данного спелла. Книги где то в Коллегии. 1 книга в библиотеке на столике, который с правой стороны если смотреть на помещение с входа. Просто внимательно смотрите какие книги лежат на столике =). 2 книга в зале Поддержки, на 2 этаже в маленькой комнате заставленной бочками и ящиками (таких комнат там 2 так что ищите). 3 книга в зале достижений, на 2 этаже возле первой же лавочки. И 4 книга Мидден >>> у алтаря призыва атронархов на столике. Сдаем книги Древису.

Идем к Колетте Маренс. Нас посылают к Авгуру. Мидден >>> Тьма. Он нам дает испытание. Нас будут бить, а мы терпеть :D так что стоим и хиляемся. При этом вас разденут :D Вот и весь квест.

Талфдир дает квест найти кинжал и чешую дракона. Да не простую, а с его сердца. Так что отправляемся в Валтум и добываем ножик. Попутно в руинах еще 1 квест можно взять. Ну а после того как мы нашли кинжал, идем искать дракона. Лично я убил первого попавшегося, взял дроп (ничего особенного не было) и пошел сдал квест.

Колетта Маренс
Colette Marence
Локация Коллегия Винтерхолда, Зал поддержки
Раса Бретон Пол Женский
Уровень PC×1 (range=8-30) Класс Monk
RefID 0001C1B9 BaseID 0001C1A0
Дополнительная информация
Здоровье 100+(PC-1)×8.3 Магия 150+(PC-1)×5
Запас сил 50+(PC-1)×1.7
Подробнее о классе CombatMageElemental
Первичные навыки Изменение, Восстановление, Скрытность
Перки Магическая броня (ранг 1); Регенерация
Важный да
Мораль Any Crime
Агресс. Спокойный
Фракции Winterhold; College of Winterhold (Master-Wizard)

Комната Коллеты находится на втором этаже Зала поддержки в Коллегии Винтерхолда, где её обычно можно найти, особенно в поздний час. Она может обучить вас в повышении Восстановления, а также продать заклинания восстановления.

Она очень параноидальна в том, что ее высмеивают остальные жители коллегии по поводу ее исследований в области магии Восстановления.

Иногда другие маги собираются в Зале стихий и Колетта читает им лекции о пользе магии Восстановления.

Colette Marence
(RefID: 00 01C1A8 )
Home City Winterhold
Location College of Winterhold
Hall of Countenance
Race Breton Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=8-30) Class Monk
RefID 00 01C1A8 BaseID 00 01C19A
Training Restoration (Expert)
Gold 500 (+1000 Master Trader)
Sells See Standard Merchandise
Buys Spells (Books, Clothing, Daedric Artifacts, Jewelry, Scrolls, Soul Gems, Spell Tomes, Staves)
Other Information
Health 100+(PC-1)×8.3
Magicka 150+(PC-1)×5
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×1.7
Primary Skills Alteration, Restoration, Sneak
Perks Mage Armor (rank 1); Regeneration
Class Details TrainerRestorationExpert
Morality Any Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Faction(s) Colette Marence Services; College of Winterhold 4 (Wizard) ; CrimeFactionWinterhold; Restoration Trainer; Skill Trainer


  • 1 Related Quests
  • 2 Quest-Related Events
    • 2.1 Good Intentions
    • 2.2 Containment
    • 2.3 The Staff of Magnus
    • 2.4 The Black Star
    • 2.5 Restoration Ritual Spell
  • 3 Dialogue
    • 3.1 Restoration Magic Lecture
  • 4 Conversations
  • 5 Standard Merchandise
  • 6 Notes

Colette Marence is a Breton monk and an instructor at the College of Winterhold. She is the expert trainer in Restoration, able to train you to level 75, and sells several Restoration spells.

Colette can be found in her room on the second floor of the Hall of Countenance, especially during the later hours of the night. During the day, she can also sometimes be found sitting in the Arcanaeum, especially in the morning.

Related Quests [ edit ]

  • Restoration Ritual Spell: Find the Augur of Dunlain and learn more about Restoration magic.
  • The Black Star: Help find and repair Azura's Star.
  • Good Intentions: Find and consult the Augur of Dunlain.
  • Containment: Deal with the aftermath of the Eye's power surge.
  • The Staff of Magnus: Retrieve the Staff of Magnus.

Quest-Related Events [ edit ]

Good Intentions [ edit ]

You can ask Colette about the Augur of Dunlain:

Have you ever heard of the Augur of Dunlain? "The Augur? Tragic story, really. At least, the way I heard it. But that was a long time ago. It was some experiment gone horribly wrong. Ghastly results, I was told. And his ghost still roams the halls, they say. Of course, on further reflection, that may have simply been an attempt to scare me. Hmm. Perhaps I'll ask Tolfdir what really happened. I understand he was here at the time."

Containment [ edit ]

Colette will be standing with other members of the College, and will say:

"This can't be happening!"

The Staff of Magnus [ edit ]

While leaving the Hall of the Elements for the Labyrinthian, Colette will say to you:

"You'll defeat Ancano, won't you?" "What are we going to do? How do we save the College?"

The Black Star [ edit ]

During the quest The Black Star, you can ask Colette if she knows of an Elven mage in the college that studies stars.

Is there an elven mage here that studies stars? "Why would anyone bother to study stars? Well, unless you're talking about that artifact that got all those. dimwits thrown out." What is it? What happened? "Oh, no, I'm not falling for that one again. Next thing I know, I'm getting yelled at for saying something inappropriate. If you're so curious, talk to Nelacar, in the Frozen Hearth. He can tell you the whole sad story." Would you believe I was given a vision? "Oh no, I'm not talking about that. I'm not being blamed for saying something out of place. Again. If you want to know, ask Nelacar. He's staying at the Frozen Hearth. Knows the whole sad story."

Restoration Ritual Spell [ edit ]

Upon reaching level 90 in Restoration, and after completing the quest Good Intentions, you can ask Colette if there is anything more to be learned within Restoration:

What else is there to be learned about Restoration Magic? "Look at you. Such a devoted student of Restoration. It's comforting to see that not everyone has dismissed it as entirely as most members of the College. Truly comforting. It looks like you're ready to speak with the Augur." What does the Augur have to do with this? "Oh, didn't you know?" I thought you were the authority on this subject. "Oh, goodness no. There are those far more skilled than I."

In either case, she will continue, saying:

"The Augur was a brilliant mage. Truly inspired. Mastered spells others could barely comprehend. He was especially gifted when it came to Restoration. He's. Well, he's very particular about who shares the knowledge. So you'll need his approval first. Go on, go talk to him. I'm sure he's been paying attention, and will be expecting you."

Dialogue [ edit ]

She is extremely paranoid about being ridiculed by her peers at the college due to her study in Restoration magic. Upon first meeting her, she will appear highly agitated and demand:

"You consider Restoration a valid school of magic, worthy of study, don't you? Don't you?" Of course it's valid. "Good, good. Not that I require validation, of course. There are just some - and I shan't name names - who would disagree. It can make life difficult when one's colleagues fail to recognize the research one engages in." Not really. "I. I see. Well, I'm glad we've established this early, rather than me hearing about it years or decades later when the whispers behind my back are loud enough."

Either way it will lead to:

So you're treated badly because of your work? "Well. No. Not really. Not directly, I mean. But I know things are said behind my back. Conversations cease when I enter rooms. I'm quite aware of what's going on here, and I will not stand for it!" I don't understand. "It's quite simple really. There are some who shall not be dignified by being named, who have implied that it is not. That is to say, it's been suggested that resources used for my study of Restoration could be put to better use. Any other use, in fact. It's not just healing cuts and bruises, you know. The undead are a very real, very dangerous threat and Restoration magics can keep them at bay. Not to mention the benefit of wards! How can they continually overlook wards! It's baffling!"

When beginning or ending a conversation with Colette, she can say:

"Why are my research materials constantly disappearing?" "Once again, I have found very insulting notes left in my personal effects. Simply barbaric." "Just because I don't fit in here is no reason for others to ridicule me behind my back." "Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"

If you ask her to train you in Restoration magic, she will say:

"I'll gladly share my knowledge with you."

Restoration Magic Lecture [ edit ]

Like many other members of the College, Colette will give lectures in the Hall of the Elements, hers being on Restoration magic. The lecture comes off as more of a scolding diatribe, however, about how outrageous it is that the school of Restoration is so disrespected at the college:

"I would just like to remind everyone, once again, that Restoration is indeed a valid school of magic. It is absolutely worthy of research, despite many of the notes I've had left in my bed. And my desk. And on occasion, my meals. Anyone suggesting that Restoration is better left to the priests of the Temples, I think, is forgetting a few things. Firstly, the ability to repel the undead cannot be ignored. Skyrim is well known to be full of these. Draugr, ancient Nord warriors who cannot find peace. I submit that everyone in this College has, at one time or another, relied on one of the Restoration spells that can keep them at bay. Secondly, how can anyone forget wards? They have become essential to any mage working in dangerous situations. They are counted upon every bit as much as Candlelight, or Invisibility. But more importantly, wards have saved lives. This is a simple fact. Every mage in this College regularly uses wards for practice, so as to avoid physical harm. I truly hope that these points actually sink in, and that more care and thought is given to this subject in the future. Thank you."

Conversations [ edit ]

While inside the Arcanaeum, she may have conversations with other College members, such as Urag gro-Shub:

Colette: "Ah, my dearest Urag! How are you today, my green-skinned friend?" Urag: "Did you need something, Colette?" Colette: "I only wish to escape the constant glaring of my 'colleagues' and discover an opportunity for repose. Your Arcanaeum is so lovely and quiet. " Urag: "I. see." Colette: "Don't fret, my fanged acquaintance. I shan't trouble you a bit." Urag: "Was there something specific you needed?" Colette: "I'm positive whatever I require will be revealed to me on its own, in due time." Urag: "So, you don't need anything then." Colette: "Oh, my dear Urag. You're trying so hard to help. I do hope you're not disappointed." Urag: "'Disappointed' is not the word I would choose, Colette. Excuse me."

She also attempts to make conversation with Drevis Neloren, who reacts in a similarly terse and dismissive manner:

Colette: "How are you, Drevis?" Drevis: "Ugh. What do you want?" Colette: "Why should I want anything? Why can't I simply be sociable with my colleagues?" Drevis: "I'm busy right now, Colette." Colette: "Well, then. Fine. Have a nice day."

Standard Merchandise [ edit ]

This is the merchandise found in Colette's merchant chest. These items are only available if purchased from the merchant; they cannot be pickpocketed or stolen. They are restocked every two days.

Colette Marence
(RefID: 00 01C1A8 )
Home City Winterhold
Location College of Winterhold
Hall of Countenance
Race Breton Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=8-30) Class Monk
RefID 00 01C1A8 BaseID 00 01C19A
Training Restoration (Expert)
Gold 500 (+1000 Master Trader)
Sells See Standard Merchandise
Buys Spells (Books, Clothing, Daedric Artifacts, Jewelry, Scrolls, Soul Gems, Spell Tomes, Staves)
Other Information
Health 100+(PC-1)×8.3
Magicka 150+(PC-1)×5
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×1.7
Primary Skills Alteration, Restoration, Sneak
Perks Mage Armor (rank 1); Regeneration
Class Details TrainerRestorationExpert
Morality Any Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Faction(s) Colette Marence Services; College of Winterhold 4 (Wizard) ; CrimeFactionWinterhold; Restoration Trainer; Skill Trainer


  • 1 Related Quests
  • 2 Quest-Related Events
    • 2.1 Good Intentions
    • 2.2 Containment
    • 2.3 The Staff of Magnus
    • 2.4 The Black Star
    • 2.5 Restoration Ritual Spell
  • 3 Dialogue
    • 3.1 Restoration Magic Lecture
  • 4 Conversations
  • 5 Standard Merchandise
  • 6 Notes

Colette Marence is a Breton monk and an instructor at the College of Winterhold. She is the expert trainer in Restoration, able to train you to level 75, and sells several Restoration spells.

Colette can be found in her room on the second floor of the Hall of Countenance, especially during the later hours of the night. During the day, she can also sometimes be found sitting in the Arcanaeum, especially in the morning.

Related Quests [ edit ]

  • Restoration Ritual Spell: Find the Augur of Dunlain and learn more about Restoration magic.
  • The Black Star: Help find and repair Azura's Star.
  • Good Intentions: Find and consult the Augur of Dunlain.
  • Containment: Deal with the aftermath of the Eye's power surge.
  • The Staff of Magnus: Retrieve the Staff of Magnus.

Quest-Related Events [ edit ]

Good Intentions [ edit ]

You can ask Colette about the Augur of Dunlain:

Have you ever heard of the Augur of Dunlain? "The Augur? Tragic story, really. At least, the way I heard it. But that was a long time ago. It was some experiment gone horribly wrong. Ghastly results, I was told. And his ghost still roams the halls, they say. Of course, on further reflection, that may have simply been an attempt to scare me. Hmm. Perhaps I'll ask Tolfdir what really happened. I understand he was here at the time."

Containment [ edit ]

Colette will be standing with other members of the College, and will say:

"This can't be happening!"

The Staff of Magnus [ edit ]

While leaving the Hall of the Elements for the Labyrinthian, Colette will say to you:

"You'll defeat Ancano, won't you?" "What are we going to do? How do we save the College?"

The Black Star [ edit ]

During the quest The Black Star, you can ask Colette if she knows of an Elven mage in the college that studies stars.

Is there an elven mage here that studies stars? "Why would anyone bother to study stars? Well, unless you're talking about that artifact that got all those. dimwits thrown out." What is it? What happened? "Oh, no, I'm not falling for that one again. Next thing I know, I'm getting yelled at for saying something inappropriate. If you're so curious, talk to Nelacar, in the Frozen Hearth. He can tell you the whole sad story." Would you believe I was given a vision? "Oh no, I'm not talking about that. I'm not being blamed for saying something out of place. Again. If you want to know, ask Nelacar. He's staying at the Frozen Hearth. Knows the whole sad story."

Restoration Ritual Spell [ edit ]

Upon reaching level 90 in Restoration, and after completing the quest Good Intentions, you can ask Colette if there is anything more to be learned within Restoration:

What else is there to be learned about Restoration Magic? "Look at you. Such a devoted student of Restoration. It's comforting to see that not everyone has dismissed it as entirely as most members of the College. Truly comforting. It looks like you're ready to speak with the Augur." What does the Augur have to do with this? "Oh, didn't you know?" I thought you were the authority on this subject. "Oh, goodness no. There are those far more skilled than I."

In either case, she will continue, saying:

"The Augur was a brilliant mage. Truly inspired. Mastered spells others could barely comprehend. He was especially gifted when it came to Restoration. He's. Well, he's very particular about who shares the knowledge. So you'll need his approval first. Go on, go talk to him. I'm sure he's been paying attention, and will be expecting you."

Dialogue [ edit ]

She is extremely paranoid about being ridiculed by her peers at the college due to her study in Restoration magic. Upon first meeting her, she will appear highly agitated and demand:

"You consider Restoration a valid school of magic, worthy of study, don't you? Don't you?" Of course it's valid. "Good, good. Not that I require validation, of course. There are just some - and I shan't name names - who would disagree. It can make life difficult when one's colleagues fail to recognize the research one engages in." Not really. "I. I see. Well, I'm glad we've established this early, rather than me hearing about it years or decades later when the whispers behind my back are loud enough."

Either way it will lead to:

So you're treated badly because of your work? "Well. No. Not really. Not directly, I mean. But I know things are said behind my back. Conversations cease when I enter rooms. I'm quite aware of what's going on here, and I will not stand for it!" I don't understand. "It's quite simple really. There are some who shall not be dignified by being named, who have implied that it is not. That is to say, it's been suggested that resources used for my study of Restoration could be put to better use. Any other use, in fact. It's not just healing cuts and bruises, you know. The undead are a very real, very dangerous threat and Restoration magics can keep them at bay. Not to mention the benefit of wards! How can they continually overlook wards! It's baffling!"

When beginning or ending a conversation with Colette, she can say:

"Why are my research materials constantly disappearing?" "Once again, I have found very insulting notes left in my personal effects. Simply barbaric." "Just because I don't fit in here is no reason for others to ridicule me behind my back." "Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"

If you ask her to train you in Restoration magic, she will say:

"I'll gladly share my knowledge with you."

Restoration Magic Lecture [ edit ]

Like many other members of the College, Colette will give lectures in the Hall of the Elements, hers being on Restoration magic. The lecture comes off as more of a scolding diatribe, however, about how outrageous it is that the school of Restoration is so disrespected at the college:

"I would just like to remind everyone, once again, that Restoration is indeed a valid school of magic. It is absolutely worthy of research, despite many of the notes I've had left in my bed. And my desk. And on occasion, my meals. Anyone suggesting that Restoration is better left to the priests of the Temples, I think, is forgetting a few things. Firstly, the ability to repel the undead cannot be ignored. Skyrim is well known to be full of these. Draugr, ancient Nord warriors who cannot find peace. I submit that everyone in this College has, at one time or another, relied on one of the Restoration spells that can keep them at bay. Secondly, how can anyone forget wards? They have become essential to any mage working in dangerous situations. They are counted upon every bit as much as Candlelight, or Invisibility. But more importantly, wards have saved lives. This is a simple fact. Every mage in this College regularly uses wards for practice, so as to avoid physical harm. I truly hope that these points actually sink in, and that more care and thought is given to this subject in the future. Thank you."

Conversations [ edit ]

While inside the Arcanaeum, she may have conversations with other College members, such as Urag gro-Shub:

Colette: "Ah, my dearest Urag! How are you today, my green-skinned friend?" Urag: "Did you need something, Colette?" Colette: "I only wish to escape the constant glaring of my 'colleagues' and discover an opportunity for repose. Your Arcanaeum is so lovely and quiet. " Urag: "I. see." Colette: "Don't fret, my fanged acquaintance. I shan't trouble you a bit." Urag: "Was there something specific you needed?" Colette: "I'm positive whatever I require will be revealed to me on its own, in due time." Urag: "So, you don't need anything then." Colette: "Oh, my dear Urag. You're trying so hard to help. I do hope you're not disappointed." Urag: "'Disappointed' is not the word I would choose, Colette. Excuse me."

She also attempts to make conversation with Drevis Neloren, who reacts in a similarly terse and dismissive manner:

Colette: "How are you, Drevis?" Drevis: "Ugh. What do you want?" Colette: "Why should I want anything? Why can't I simply be sociable with my colleagues?" Drevis: "I'm busy right now, Colette." Colette: "Well, then. Fine. Have a nice day."

Standard Merchandise [ edit ]

This is the merchandise found in Colette's merchant chest. These items are only available if purchased from the merchant; they cannot be pickpocketed or stolen. They are restocked every two days.


Кузнец (NPC который купит\продаст оружие (кроме посохов) доспехи (все кроме магических. ну на магов которые), а так же руду и слитки с кожей) - Адриана Авенничи, Йорланд Серая Грива;

Ювелир (NPC который покупает\продает всякие безделушки, драгоценные камни и одежду. ну которая просто одежда) - Фрейлия Серая Грива;

Маг (обычно придворный маг который продаст\купит магические кольца\доспехи\посохи\книги и соулстоуны) - Фаренгар Тайный Огонь

Алхимик (NPC который продаст \купит зелья и ингредиенты) - "Котелок Аркадии": Аркадия;

Еда (NPC которые торгуют едой. Ваш К.О.) - Анориат, Карлотта Валентия;

Оружейник (NPC который как кузнец, только не продает слитков и прочей дребедени, но ему можно впарить еду, оружие и броню) - "Пьяный Охотник": Элриндир; "Дом Воительницы": Ульфберт РазЪяренный Медведь

Таверна (те же NPC которые торгуют едой и ингредиентами, но только находятся они в таверне) - "Гарцующая Кобыла": Хульда, Садрия;

Торговец - "Алирейф и сыновья": Лисбет;

Кузнец - Горза бра-Багол;

Ювелир - Кера;

Таверна - "Серебряная кровь": Клепп;

Еда - Хогни Красная Рука;

Торговец - "Всякая всячина": Сэйма;

Одежда (по сути тот же ювелир) - "Сияющие одежды": Эндари;

Таверна - "Смеющаяся крыса": Корпул Виний;

Алхимик - "Ароматы Анжелины": Анжелина Моррар;

Оружейник - находится в здании под названием "Мастер по изготовлению луков": Фиада;

Еда - Иветта Сан, Джейла, Аддвар;

Маг - Сибилла Стентор;

Кузнец - Онгул Наковальня;

Таверна - "Очаг и свеча": Эльда Ранний Рассвет;

Еда - Хиллеви Жестокое Море, Авал Атерон, клуб "Новый Гнисис": Амбарис Рендар (у него можно купить\продать ингредиенты);

Алхимик - "Белый флакон": Нурелион;

Маг - Вунферт Неживой;

Торговец - "Заложенная креветка": Берси Медовая Рука, Грелха;

Маг - Вайландрия;

Ювелир - Мадези;

Кузнец - Балимунд;

Еда - Мариса Аравел;

Рифтен - Гильдия воров (после вступления к ним):

Торговец - Тонилла (в таверне);

Таверна - "Буная Фляга": Векел Воин;

Кузнец - Лод;

Таверна - "Мертвецкий мед": Валга Виниция;

Алхимик - "Мертвым припарки": Зария;

Алхимик - "Хижина тауматурга": Лами;

Алхимик - "Ступка и пестик": Фрида;

Кухнец - Серен, Рустлейф;

Таверна - "Замерзший очег": Дагур;


Книги (NPC который торгует исключительно книгами. Ваш К.О.) - Ураг гро-Шуб;

Кузнец - Душнамуб;

Кузнец - Гарол;

Кузнец - Шуфтарз;

Одноручное оружие

Эксперт: Атис - Вайтран, Йоррваскр

Мастер: Вождь Бургук - Душник-Йал

Мастер: Вилкас - Вайтран, Йоррваскр

Мастер: Вождь Ларак - Мор Казгур

Мастер: Фаркас - Вайтран, Йоррваскр

Эксперт: Эйла Охотница - Вайтран, Йоррваскр

Мастер: Нируин - Рифтен, Гильдия воров

Эксперт: Балимунд - Рифтен, "Обожженный молот"

Мастер: Йорлунд Серая Грива - Вайтран, Небесная кузница или Дом Серой Гривы

Мастер: Толфдир - Коллегия Винтерхолда

Мастер: Даника Свет Весны - Вайтран, Храм Кинарет

Мастер: Древис Нелорен - Коллегия Винтерхолда

Мастер: Хамал - Маркарт, храм Дибеллы


Эксперт: Финис Гестор - Коллегия Винтерхолда

Мастер: Фалион - Морфал, Дом Фалиона

Эксперт: Сибилла Стентор - Солитьюд, Синий дворец

Мастер: Фаральда - Коллегия Винтерхолда

Эксперт: Аркадия - Вайтран, "Котелок Аркадии"

Мастер: Бабетта - Убежище Темного Братства

Эксперт: Гарви - Маркарт, "Муравейник"

Мастер: Делвин Меллори - Рифтен, Гильдия воров

Эксперт: Грелха - Рифтен, Ночлежка Хельги или рынок

Мастер: Назир - Убежище Темного Братства


Эксперт: Ма'джад - Караван, недалеко от ворот Виндхельма

Мастер: Векс - Рифтен, Гильдия воров

Мастер: Випир Живчик - Рифтен, Гильдия воров

Специалист: Ревин Садри - Виндхельм, "Подержанные товары Садри"

Эксперт: Огмунд - Маркарт, Дом Огмунда

Мастер: Жиро Жиман - Солитьюд, Коллегия бардов

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